Venue : Virtual Height IT Solutions Pvt Ltd, Ahmedabad
Date & Time : December 26, 3-6 pm
Organized by : Utkarsh Foundation
#HelpWomenGetOnline : As mentioned in the Agenda, here are the highlights from the second session of Women On Web event.
The session was mainly aimed at introducing the women participants to Gmail and YouTube along with a hand-on practice session.

Our first speaker, Dhruva Shastri helped participants creating a Google Account and then explained them all the basic concepts of Gmail. All the participants found this tool very much helpful and interesting as most of them have their relatives staying abroad, and they'd be able to communicate with them well. Also, some women who wish to help their husbands with their business & work, were very much satisfied with the hands-on session.
Here is the link to her presentation - Learning Gmail Basics
This was followed by the YouTube session, by Jenny Chawla. Jenny introduced the participants to the world of Online Videos via YouTube. The participants could make their channels on their own at the end of the session !
Here is the link to her presentation - YouTube Basics
A big thanks to Rekha ma'am for helping with the co-ordination. Also, Pratik and Amar turned out to be a great support throughout the event.
It turned out to be a very informative and interesting session overall ! I will update soon on our next session.
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